Lincolnshire Experience Maker Toolkit
What is Experiential Tourism?
Anyone can go on a trip and “do” a lot, but increasingly people want more – they want to experience.
Immersive, experiential tourism unlocks just that. A form of tourism that emotionally connects visitors with the essence of a place; its community, culture, heritage, and people, giving them memorable travel adventures. Experiences might be fun, active, hands-on, knowledgeable – but they are all essentially delivered as an easy to book, inclusive package.
It simply combines place, people and particpation to create exciting new bookable product for your visitors.
“A tourism product is what you buy: a tourism experience is what you remember.”
Developing your Lincolnshire Experience
Experiences are designed to be inherently personal, engage with all the senses and make genuine connections on an emotional level, putting a real smile on your visitors’ faces.
During an experience, your visitors will create lasting memories and have the opportunity to engage with local stories, culture and to connect with the essence of Lincolnshire and its people.
In the Experience Maker Toolkit, you will learn about the components of a Lincolnshire Visitor Experience, how to deliver your experience from start to finish, and how to take your experience to market. Included is a series of example fictional Lincolnshire experiences to give you inspiration to get started, and practical checklists and guides and links to additional Business Visit Lincolnshire resources to help you make your experience a reality.
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Experience maker toolkit
Learn how to develop your own Lincolnshire experience and create lasting memories for every guest.

Experiences and tours, what’s the difference?
Simply put, experiences are not individual workshops, courses, walks or simply visiting a place, as a solo activity.
Experiences may contain many of these elements combined, but it is how they are linked and delivered that makes it experiential.
Download the Experience Maker Toolkit to learn more about how you can turn your tour, activity or existing attraction into a signature Lincolnshire experience.
Experiential Tourism
Experiential tourism, also known as immersion travel, provides a brand new layer of opportunities well beyond the traditional tourism landscape of products. It focuses on experiencing a country, city or particular place by actively and meaningfully engaging with its history, people, culture, food and environment.
An immersive experience describes the perception of being surrounded by – and being a part of – a different environment than our normal day to day.
helpful resources
Bitesize masterclasses
Masterclass Playlist
In this first of three customer journey masterclass videos, Marianne talks about how you can attract more of your best customers to your business. By the end of this video, you will have a clear understanding of the customers you are trying to attract so that you can ensure you deliver more of what they love and fix the things they hate. You will also learn strategies for attracting new ‘best customers’ and get them to consider you over the competition.
In this second of three customer journey masterclass videos, Marianne discusses how you get your best potential customers to convert and buy your product or service. By the end of this video, you will be able to inspire customers to try you out and then buy from you, using the toolbox of suggestions Marianne provides.
In this third of three customer journey masterclass videos, Marianne explains how to not only retain your best customers but also to convert them to brand ambassadors. By the end of this video, you will know how to add continual value to your best customer so that they want to come back for more and what techniques you can put in place to make it easy for them to share their great experience with you.
In this first of three masterclass videos about pricing, Jo discusses the variables you need to consider when coming up with a pricing strategy to maximise your profitability. By the end of this video, you will understand how to assess the value of your product or service to create a price point that your customer is happy to pay and that is profitable for your business.
In this second of three masterclass videos about pricing, Jo explains how you can get your customers to buy more often from you, to spend more when they do buy from you and how to use discounts and promotions to maximise your profits. By the end of this video, you will have access to a range of tools and techniques you can use to increase your customers’ spending with you.
In this third of three masterclass videos about pricing, Jo talks about the importance of getting paid and having clear terms and conditions for your business. By the end of this video, you will be able to assess whether your terms and conditions protect your business.
In this first of three masterclass videos on digital marketing, Deborah explains what digital marketing is. By the end of this video you will understand the different types of digital marketing and why you should use it when marketing your business.
In this second of three masterclasses on digital marketing Deborah discusses the importance of developing a strategy. By the end of this video you will be able to build a digital marketing strategy and will have a clear idea of your objectives, who your customers and competitors are and where your brand is positioned in the market.
In this third of three masterclasses, Deborah demystifies the different techniques digital marketers use. By the end of this video on digital marketing you will know how to use the different techniques available, when to use them for maximum effect and how to integrate them into your strategy.
Léa takes a closer look at the topic of ‘Place’. Businesses rely on their location and the natural and cultural aspects of that location. Explore the appeal of Lincolnshire’s varied and distinctive local landscape and why this is so attractive to guests.
Stuart McFarlane Bedford is at Hirst Priory, an award winning wedding and event venue in the parish of Belton in North Lincolnshire. Follow along this four part series on ‘The Art of Sales’ for top tips and insight as well at breaking down various misconceptions around selling.
In this second video Stuart continues the discussion on sales techniques. Specifically focusing on talking, body language and motivation.
In this third session on ‘The Art of Sales’ series Stuart investigates the question – ‘What is buying all about?’ Watch along to learn about what motivates a buyer and the psychology behind it.
In this final session Stuart explains understanding your potential client’s challenges, creating the right conditions to buy and presenting your offer as a solution to their problem.
In this session Paul outlines his photography tips for your website, social media, marketing materials and press releases. Find out how to adapt your images for different purposes and the benefits of creating a digital library.
Experience Maker Business Support
Book a one-to-one experience maker meeting with our Business Lincolnshire Tourism Specialist to help you get started.
green tourism
Efficiencies in energy, waste and water are essential and looking after our nature, ecology and wildlife as a great agricultural county is a must for local businesses.
tourism resources
Access a wealth of free guides, templates, expert insights, reports and much more to help you run an even better business.
marketing activities
Access a wealth of free guides, templates, expert insights, reports and much more to help you run an even better business.