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STEAM Reports

We have annual tourism figures available for Greater Lincolnshire, for Lincolnshire and by district area. They detail the economic value of the visitor economy, numbers employed, visitor days and nights etc. They are a very handy snapshot. They are most useful when you want to convince someone, perhaps a funder, that tourism is an incredibly important part of our economy. People are often amazed when they’re told that the visitor economy was worth £2.9bn to Greater Lincolnshire in 2023, an increase of 11.6%% on 2022.

However the majority of this increase can be accounted for by the high inflation on goods and services over this period. In 2022 non-serviced accommodation (self-catering) was doing better than serviced accommodation (hotels, B&B’s), probably reflecting that people wanted to feel more secure in their ‘pandemic bubbles’. In 2023 that position has reversed with serviced accommodation performing better than non-serviced, probably a levelling off post-covid. The 2023 figures also show that the economy is not strong and many people are still being very careful with their money.

Lincolnshire Wolds Final STEAM Report 2014-23


Greater Lincolnshire Final STEAM Report 2016-23


West Lindsey STEAM Report 2014-23


East Lindsey Area STEAM Report 2014-23


East Lindsey Coastal Strip STEAM Data 2014-23


Lincolnshire Wolds STEAM Data 23


South Kesteven STEAM Report 2012 - 23

Hotel Study

Aimed at external investors this provides useful information for those interested in investing in hotels in Greater Lincolnshire.

LEP Hotel Investment Fact File January 2019

Pub Development Study 2020

This Guide is intended for any pub operator who might want to consider developing overnight accommodation for business and leisure visitors. From opening up a few unused bedrooms above the pub, a new build extension with a larger number of rooms, to a glamping site. This guide tells you how you should approach it and is full of practical information, including a business plan template.

GLLEP Pub Development Guide June 2020

Air B&B Study 2020

Looks at the extent of the Air B&B market in Greater Lincolnshire. Includes three case studies on approaches to regulation, short term lets vs long term tenancies from a property owner perspective and short-term rental and major events, and guidance notes on health and safety, operating an Air B&B business and hosting top tips.

Greater Lincolnshire Airbnb Study

Non-Visitor Research

An incredibly useful piece of research from 2017. The non-visitor research looked at people who don’t visit Lincolnshire and why not. Focus groups established that the main reason for not visiting was not that Lincolnshire doesn’t offer what they want, they simply don’t know what it offers.

For Coastal, Rural and City breaks you can see what people are looking for and whether we have the product that matches it – frequently we do. Gets across that we shouldn’t assume that our potential visitors know what we have to offer – often they don’t. The Perceptions of Lincolnshire section is useful to see how others see us.

Lincolnshire Non Visitor Report August 2017

Arkenford Research

This visitor profiling of our existing visitors was undertaken in 2016. Who is visiting Lincolnshire? Why are they visiting? What are they doing whilst here? What is their perceptions and awareness of Lincolnshire? Research like this should be repeated periodically and the good news is that Visit Lincoln has recently commissioned a new look at our current visitors. We should see the results in 2022.

Lincolnshire market intelligence report November 2016

Digital Study

This study has helped us understand the digital skills within tourism businesses and has helped us design this website so it is as useful for you as possible.

GLLEP Visitor Economy Digital Adoption Study

Investor Proposition for the Visitor Economy

The Greater Lincolnshire Investment Proposition is a useful document to help showcase what the County has to offer, and demonstrate why businesses should look to invest – including information on Visitor Economy Growth, Post Pandemic Recovery and main Growth Drivers.

Greater Lincolnshire Investment Proposition 2023

Investor Proposition for Filming in Lincolnshire

The Film Location Opportunity for Greater Lincolnshire highlights what the region has to offer for those looking to film in the County. Whether it be Film or TV the proposition details what’s support is available to production companies, a variety of locations and the history of what already has been filmed in the County.

The Film Location Opportunity for Greater Lincolnshire

Greater Lincolnshire and Rutland Tourism Action Plan 2021

Strategic vision for the area. This piece of work was produced during 2020 after wide consultation across the county, by both face to face prior to the first lockdown and then by online means. It sits under the headings of Investment, Skills, Product Development and Marketing, like the government’s Tourism Sector Deal.

GLR Tourism Action Plan 2021

Tourism Commission Recommendations March 2021

During lockdown, the Tourism Commission met six times to discuss short term and long term recommendations for the sector. Commissioners represented all sizes and types of business across Greater Lincolnshire and Rutland and discussion took place under the same headings mentioned in the strategy above. Lincolnshire County Council allocated funding to deliver these Recommendations between March 2021 and March 2023. This website is just one project that emerged from the Tourism Commission Recommendations. Other projects include the Green Tourism Toolkit and the Business Tourism Study.

Tourism Commission Recommendations March 2021

Inns on the Edge - Lincolnshire's Historic Pubs and Land on the Edge - The Evolution of the Lincolnshire Coastline

Lincolnshire has a wealth of historic pubs, all with their own individual histories and stories to tell. As part of the larger Inns on the Edge project, two reports have been created. The Economic Viability of Historic Pubs and Planning Guidance. 

The Economic Viability Of Historic Pubs - Planning Guidance


Hospitality On The Edge - The Economic Viability of Historic Pubs Report


Land On the Edge - Coastal Headline Stories


Inns On The Edge: Historic Public Houses Along The Lincolnshire Coast


Land On The Edge - The Landscape Evolution Of The Lincolnshire Coastline


STEAM Multi Area Sample - Lincs and Greater Lincs 2019


STEAM Multi Area Sample - Lincs and Greater Lincs 2019


WOLDS Final STEAM 2014-2020


WLY Final STEAM 2009-2019 Dec 20


West Lindsey District Council STEAM Review 2019


West Lindsey Final STEAM 2009-2020 20 Jul 21


West Lindsey District Council STEAM Review 2020


East Lindsey Final STEAM 2009-2020


North Kesteven Final STEAM 2009-2020 20 Jul 21


COAST Final STEAM 2015-2020


Lincolnshire STEAM 2010-2021 May 22


Greater Lincolnshire STEAM 2016-2021 May 22


Boston STEAM 2022


Easy Lindsey District STEAM 2011-2022


Easy Lindsey Coast STEAM 2015-2022


Lincolnshire Wolds STEAM 2014-2022


West Lindsey STEAM 2011 - 2022


City of Lincoln STEAM 2011 - 2022
